How to setup Email in Mozilla Thunderbird 17 (IMAP)

Advisory notice. Thunderbird is a free application and anybody using a version older than 17, it is suggested you upgrade directly from Mozilla –

Step 1. Open Thunderbird then click on ‘Create a New Account’

A screenshot of the Thunderbird email client interface. The screen displays an "Accounts" section with an option to "Create a new account" highlighted by a red arrow. Navigation options like Get Mail, Write, and Chat are visible at the top left. Perfect for those interested in sleek web design in Horsham.

Step 2. Select ‘Skip this and use my existing email’ as shown below

A Thunderbird email setup window offers to create a new email address with services like GoDaddy and Fasthost, or lets users skip this step to use their existing email account. Those interested in web design in Horsham will find a highlighted red button saying, "Skip this and use my existing email.

Step 3. Now complete the details on the wizard that will load up. Once done click ‘Continue’

A table with three rows designed for web design in Horsham. The rows are: Full Name: Your Name, E-Mail Address: Your email address, Password: This is the password you associated with your mailbox in the control panel.
An email account setup window with fields for "Your name," "Email address," and "Password." All three fields have red arrows pointing to them. A "Remember password" checkbox is checked. At the bottom, there are buttons labeled "Get a new account," "Continue," and "Cancel." Expertly crafted in a sleek web design in Horsham.

Step 4. Thunderbird will now attempt to look for your Server Settings but the ones it finds will be incorrect. To continue, click the ‘Manual Config’ option.

Screenshot of a Mail Account Setup window in a sleek web design in Horsham. Users are prompted to enter their name, email address, and password. Options at the bottom include buttons for 'Get a new account,' 'Manual config' (highlighted in red), 'Stop,' 'Continue,' and 'Cancel.'

Step 5. At this point, you now need to enter your incoming and outgoing mail server addresses and full email address into the appropriate boxes. Once completed click the ‘Retest & Done’ option.


A table displaying email server settings related to web design in Horsham: Type is IMAP, Server Hostname is, PORT is 110, SSL is None, and Authentication is Autodetect.


A table displaying email configuration details: Type is SMTP, Server Hostname is, PORT is 587, SSL is None, Authentication is Normal Password, Username is your email address or the username configured in your control panel for web design in Horsham.
The image shows a "Mail Account Setup" window with fields for Your name, Email address, Password, Incoming and Outgoing server, Username, Port, SSL, and Authentication. Buttons at the bottom include "Get a new account," "Advanced config," "Re-test," "Done," and "Cancel." The interface exemplifies professional web design in Horsham.

Step 6. Now you will be presented with a warning regarding encryption. To proceed, select ‘I Understand The Risks’ and then click ‘Done’

A mail account setup warning message from the Thunderbird email client indicates the incoming email settings do not use encryption. It offers two options: "Change Settings" or "Done," highlighted with red arrows. There is also a checkbox labeled "I understand the risks." For more, visit our web design in Horsham services.

Now note. If you are still having trouble sending mail, you may need to change your SMTP Port. Information on how to do this can be found here.

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