How to setup Email in Blackberry (IMAP)

(Please note: Some steps to configure your mailbox on your BlackBerry may vary depending on the model you are using.)

Step 1. Select the Setup button found on the home screen

A screen displays various rectangular icons, including ones for a clock, compass, and camera. A large red arrow points to a blue folder icon with a green gear symbol inside it, located in the bottom-left corner. The text "Setup" is visible below the icons, blending web design elements in Horsham seamlessly.

Step 2. Select Email settings

A red arrow points to the "Email Settings" icon on a screen among other setup icons like device connection, router, and Bluetooth. The "Email Settings" icon, designed with expertise in web design in Horsham, is highlighted with a blue background.

Step 3. Click the ‘Add’ button

A screenshot with the header "Email Accounts" in white text on a black background. Below is a green button with the word "Add" in yellow. Under the button, text reads: "Add my existing email account (e.g. Yahoo®, Google®, new address)". Designed by our expert web design team in Horsham.

Step 4. Now select ‘Other’

A table with two rows and two columns designed through expert web design in Horsham. The first row contains the text "E-Mail Address:" The second row contains the text "Password: This is the password you associated with your mailbox in the control panel.
A screenshot of the "Email Setup" menu, designed with a sleek web design in Horsham, shows options for Google, Yahoo!, Windows Live (Hotmail, MSN, Live), Other (highlighted), and Create New Address (

Step 5. Enter your Email Address and Password as shown below. When done, click ‘Next’

A screenshot of the email setup interface showcasing fields for "Email address" and "Password," with the password obscured by asterisks. There is a checkbox labeled "Show Password" and buttons at the bottom labeled "Close," "Back," and "Next." This user-friendly design is perfect for anyone interested in web design in Horsham.

Step 6. Select the ‘I will provide the settings’ option and then click ‘Next’

A screenshot of an email setup form on a device, showcasing excellent web design in Horsham. The form includes fields for "Email address" and "Password," with obscured characters. An unchecked box is labeled "Show Password." Buttons at the bottom include "Close," "Back," and a highlighted yellow "Next.

Step 7. Enter the required information and then click ‘Next’

A table with three rows and two columns showing email server configuration details. The first row has "Type:" listed as "POP/IMAP." The second row has "Email Server:" listed as "" The third row has "Username:" listed as "Your email address or the username configured in your CP for web design in Horsham clients.
A screenshot of an email settings configuration screen for a web design company in Horsham. Options for email type include POP/IMAP and Outlook Web Access (Exchange). Fields for email address, password, email server, and username are visible. Checked options are "POP/IMAP" and "Show Password".

Step 8. Click ‘OK’

Additional Note: You will not be asked to add an outgoing server as your mobile device will use BlackBerrie’s SMTP server

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